台北 - 野柳 九份
台北,入住新译酒店 (City Inn)
5th day ~
Location : Taipei ( Ye Liu --> Jiu Fen --> Xi Men Ding
从野柳是不能直接作客运到九份的。。。因为路程很遥远!需要大约2小时!建议先搭客运到基隆车站,再转客运到九份!不过还是很长的时间!其实最好呢,是搭的士!但是价格真的差很多!差大约10倍!当时我们碰巧遇到好的司机,2 个人NT800~ 比其他的便宜一些。。。。如果搭客运的话。。。大约NT100而已哦!不过时间与金钱,最终还是要2选1哦!
野柳的入门票大约NT50而已哦!从九份到西门町还蛮方便的!我们可以从九份搭客运到基隆车站, 再从基隆车站搭捷运到西门町~:p
Introduction :
Ye Liu is a very good place for photoshoot! the natural view is awesome! however, the weather there is way too hottttt! =.="
we went there by bus and which would not stop right in front of that place....we have to walk around 5 minutes to reach the place!*according to the counter gal la! but i guess it's not only 5 minutes! cz i almost faint wen i reach ter! lolzzzz*
Their most famous issue is their queen head! will show in the pictures below!~
Our next destination was jiu fen....n we didnt espect tat it would be a lil far from ye liu...
so we took cab instead of bus cz we might have to waste 2 hours if we take bus..
however, the price for the cab is around 10 times more expensive than bus..
but it took us only 45 miutes to reach jiu fen! so y not right? n we r quite lucky cz we met a driver who wiling to fetch us at NT800!
the entrance ticket of ye liu is only NT50~
while from jiu fen to xi men ding, u might only need to take bus at jiu fen to ji long train station n take train to xi men ding~ quite convenient!
ok~ so these information help ba! n its photo time!~
camwhore 123~ :p
野柳 Ye Liu~
love this photo much!~ but more to the photos below!
Our first ever couple potrait shooting!
九份 JiuFen~
九份真的有很 多吃的!而且真的都还蛮不错!我在哪儿可是扫了很多食品回来呢!
There r lotsa famous food at jiu fen....i grabbed lotsa snacks n suorvenirs there!
那女孩真的很漂亮!*箭头方向* 可惜拍不到正面!:((
tat gal is really pretty!!!! but sadly i didnt get to snap her front view! :(
see? her hair bun so huge!!!!! so nice!!! i wan!! but i dont have so much hair :((( n i guess she's a japanese! cz she speaks japanese! lolzzz
必吃 #1!炸虾球!
must try #1! golden shrimp ball!!!
肉真的很新 鲜!再加上外面薄薄的一层面包粉!简直好吃极了!!!
made of really fresh shrimp meat!!!the bread powder at the surface of the ball added few thumbs up for it! must try out!!!!
必吃 #2!红心地瓜卷!
must try #2! red sweet potato roll!
they sell while making it! its really really fresh n crunchy! n it's not tat fragile! u can still carry it into the plane! need not to worry!
必吃 #3!猪肉片!
must try #3! pork slice!*non halal*
their pork slices r really nice!!!! very thin n crunchy! i never seen any in malaysia yet!
n oso..need not to worry...cz they will provide bubble wrap for us in case we r in the plane!~
必吃 #4!花枝丸!
must try #4! sotong ball with fillings*non halal*
this is something like our sotong ball! the only different is they have pork n soup filled in it!
its totally yummy especially at the moment tat u take ur first bite!
the soup just burst out like tat! OMG! imagine how yummy it is!
必吃 #5!阿珠花生冰淇淋卷!
must try #5! Ah zhu peanut ice cream roll!
tis is okok nia for me! but stil, i'll mark it at 70%! cz m an super ice cream fans! i need ice cream as my dozes of happiness!
必去 #1!保险套世界!!
must go #1! da world of CONDOM!
必去 #2!丹宁酷!!
must go #2! denim cool!
他们的包包都是以Levi's 还有 Lee Cooper的布料制成的哦!即环保又有趣!
all their bags r made of Levi's n Lee Cooper denim cloth! they r really creative!
haha the boss wan me to take photo to promote their shop! lolzzz *shy*
yeah!! after the longlong bargain, finally i got it at my desired price!!!! happyyyy!!!!
必去 #3!陶笛!!
must go #3! magical ocarina!
他们家陶笛真的很可爱!什么类型的都有! BEar 买了一支Panda的回来!很可爱!哈
their magical ocarina is so cute! m not really sure is it spell like tis...n i dont even know what its name in english..
i copied from their sign board! haah its just a musical instrument anyway :p
必去 #4!九份山顶!!
must go #4! jiu fen nice top view!
its really really cold there....so relaxing! miss tat place much!
da pretty tour guide!
this boss really smart in attracting the tourist! so many aunties there! lolzz ahah we didnt go in though~
owhhh!!!! so cute!!!!!
wooden shoe! they make n sell at once ~
there r a lot of leather shop there..all r very similiar...their stuff r nice but a lil expensive!
i saw a small bow bag n wondering how much it is....the boss said : NT200, my expression : RUN! ahah
Taiwan races magnet! so cute!!!
we saw 2 couples shooting for their wedding photos in a day!!!! so happy nehxx! lolzz ahaha
okla..m exhausted...will be bac tmw for ximen ding!
stay tune!!!!!