目前分類:sherlyn's happiness~ (23)

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Pre BOat Boat~

dear : b,lets go steamboat tonite!

b : huh ???????? r u sure???????????????????????????????????? y suddenly so high???

dear : let's go la!jz have fun ter!

b : hmmm...no la....if wanna go oso can...u drop me @sunway n find me after ur boat~

dear : huh?? y like tat??u don wan to eat tonite??

b : yes! i guess soo....ahah due to my constipation....diet.....money.....

dear : really?? they said the steamboat ter really nice, lot of choices, ice cream sommore....and the most important ter is the chicken wing!

b : huh??got ice cream summor???got chicken wing oso???? huh..........hmmm hmmmm hmmmm..

dear : aiya jz go la!

b : ok la!then i eat little bit ok??

dear : ok sure no problem!!

i was warning myself not to eat too much!if not i will be suffer again in the constipation!

Boat Boat -ing~


tis pic stolen by me @ detectiveang's blog!! haha dont worry!i'll pay for it!




kari~mihun~fried rice~

wau i love all the mee meesssss...but nobody seems like attracted by the mee! haizzz..haha

nothing special rite!jz a normal boatboat!

ok! lets introduce something special to u! hmmm! not *thing* act....is *one* act...ahah

here they are!

the King of the chicken wings!

yeah!pai seh!he din take pic tat day!but i think tis pic is suit to tis title!!!haha!dont ask me y!

see???this *ARE* his Victory! ..............in grab chicken wing competition =.="""


next will be the King of the prawns!

he almost ate all the prawns in the shop!!!

see?? wu kiakia bo???haha

ok la last will be the King of icecreams =.=""

showed on his hand! hahah!! hey! u must jaga ur weight ok??

nn....wat about me???

dear : wei u don eat so much le!later u stomach ache again!

b : nvm la...a bit only!

10 minutes later

dear : hey...stop eating edi u seems like eat too much edi!

b : nvm la....jz a bit more only!

30 minutes later

dear : wei! y u so tai sek??jz now u said u will eat little bit only

b : wer got! nvm la! long long 1 timE!! nvm!!! hmm can u get the ice cream for me??

i gave so much excuse to myself!

n  i end up wit full satisfaction!!!!


i know it is bad for my health!but i dont care tat time!!!i jz wanna be happy !!!jz for once !!haha

so mission failed la!!!


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we go lotsa places until i duno how to blog it out! haha..but i think the pictures will tell the story~ jz view it as a fake/real/ridiculous comic~ ahah~have fun!

ya!i'm ready!

No.1 ~ Reclining Buddha Temple

The *sleeping buddha*

Wheel of fortune --> a wheel that shows ur lucky no. which will interpret ur fortune~

yeah....tis is the result~not really und act...but it is quite good overall~the only 1 thing tat we need to concern is tat we cant marry now..haha


the fake *lian hua*~ so big!

No.2 ~ temple opposite Reclining Buddha Temple

there r about 30 pictures which show the story about buddha hang on the wall along the walk way in the temple

can u see a big buddha in the picture below??? don't ask me..cz i can't see it!aha

No.3 ~my favourite place! Botanical Garden

the couple~ Elaine & Chee Wei

crazy in Botanical Garden!!!




u jump i jump!

cheh!i know la!u jump higher!!! blek!

*ss-ing in the garden!


Playing wit DUSTBIN =.="""


finally~the day end wit *My best friend's girl*

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shopaholic queenSSSSS 出发拉!!!




猪之花1号~ pepsy 好人帮


猪之花2号~ piggy

猪之花3号~ winnie 时尚帮

猪之花4号~ weishan  时尚帮 --> nossyparker.blogspot.com

猪之花4号~ siew yin 好人帮


战力品No.1 the face shop 假睫毛及睫毛液

这个牌子的睫毛可是我的最爱呢!大家可以去买来试试看。。很自然舒适柔软耐用。。2个都一样价钱RM8。90 而已~

战力品No.2 VIOR耳环

战力品No.3 zara短裙












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