A moment like this...
Some ppl wait a life time....
For a moment like this...
Some ppl search forever...
For that one special kiss...
ohhh i can't believe, it's happening to me...
Some ppl wait a life time....for a moment....like this~
Finally...my lovely god sis marry her lovely, handsome, kind hearted bf~ the banquet was so successful! it's the wedding type that i dream of! very pearl, pure and romantic~ not too much design but the environment is nice n comfy~ i love the way they arranger the program flow...the program run smoothly n u wont feel uncomfortable...i love their singers~ they r not the traditional type! i really enjoy their performance! they sing really well with perfect combination of voice~ the foods are really nice n fresh! i love the main dish the most! n ter r waitor or waitress tat serve us specially~ *cz we r from da GOD family~ really appreciate it very much! n thx for treating us in such a nice way~ love u:p ha~ ohya, the camera man is so pro! very smart n fast! let's see the pics~ *from bear's phone, not mine! cz my phone n camera was shut off wen i reach ter! stupiak punya battery! lolzzz*
终于,我大姐嫁给又 帅又细心的姐夫了!!!当晚整个婚宴超级的成功~是我看过最喜欢的婚礼~简单,却又不失华丽~当晚的设备,食物都很好~尤其是歌手!歌手唱个镇的超级的好 听!而且很舒服,不像传统式的那样~一把吉他,一架keyboard,完美的组合,把整个婚礼秤托得恰到好处~新郎新娘很亮眼~食物很新鲜好吃~而且,亲 戚桌会有特别的waitor/waitress招待~现场的布置也很美~虽然没有如千人宴来得大,却有千人宴的那种热闹的感觉~最难得的是,贵宾们都很合 作,不会大吵大闹,场面控制得很好,camera手脚特别灵活,杀了很多珍贵的画面!这是很重要的!一生人一次耶!一定要把所有的一切都拍下来,作纪念 拉~哈
da lovely pair of groom n bride~
da food!!!
my happy family :p
he always try to act cool!!! lolzz ! cant u jz feel shy a bit wen i try to kiss u? boooooo
mom in layer lacey bow dress!!!! mom!!!! i loose d la!!!! i love ur style!!! always!!!!!
妈妈与我~ 好喜欢妈妈的裙子!蕾丝与蝴蝶结,都是我喜爱的哦~ 妈,我输了~ 甘拜下风~ 哈
uikkk~ i love this pic~ although its a bit blur~ but mom look nice here n the cute lil sis is reallly CUTEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
喜欢这张照片,很自然~ 看妹妹多可爱~ 哈
dad n me!!!! i love u dad!!!!!
non stop camwhoring! ha~ but its not me!!! its the bear!!!! ha~
da precious moment!
i would never forget tis day!!! love u jie~