

It's my birthday month!!!! weee.... mi001.gif

anyway, not so excited! cz i dont wanna be 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I WAN FOREVER 21!!!!!!!


I m growing older and older and older! sobbbbbb

anyway, i'm so surprise and touch for the advance precious presents!

never think of wat i wanna get from anyone!! n it's amazing!

They really know me well n know wat i want n wat i need!

o'm so touch and i dont know how should i react at the first phase!

i was like jumping n dancing like a monkey wen i receive these presents~

n of course, not in front of most of the time tat they pass the presents for me was at public station malll...

the WOW in my heart is 1000 times louder than wat i WOW in front of them! hahah

n here's are all the presents by all the precious...

really appreciate everything by u all! *tears* haha

#1 SECRET *will post it after my birthday:p*by bear*hellokittyicon.gif

Hints : Something tat i can use it during my birthday~ keke

#2 My blog - my home sweet home!*by bro*hellokittyicon.gif 

My brother give me this as my early birthday present! He actually helped me to upgrade my blog to professional plan which i can upload a sea of pictures up to 7G! the previous one is only 20 M! n i lost a lot of pictures cz i dont know tat it will dissapear after i deleted the album! some are still ter! but most of them dissapear! might took me a very long time to reupload all the pictures! poor thing! anyway, i m really really happy!!!!! It's a big BIG surprise!!!! as i never thought of upgrading it! cz i need to pay every year if i upgrade it!

weeeeeeee~ CANT SLEEP! lolzzzz

#3 YASHICA camerA*by Hwee Wen*hellokittyicon.gif

Am i dreaming?? A pretty little gal is giving me A CAMERA as my birthday present!!!!!!! omg!!! I'm so touch!!!!!

So excited until i almost forgot my name!!!!! hahhaa

*sounds exaggerating! but it's fact tat it's the 2nd biggest present tat i received after bear's 21 presents last year! touchtouch*

Anyway, did anyone heard about Yashica before? Bet most of u didnt heard tis brand before...

BUT, try to ask ur parents as they might know~ cz YASHICA is the father of digital camera! They are the first mover in Digital camera industry in Japan!

Read more here~ YASHICA

Its unbelieveble ! lolzzzz


Let's see hows the camera looks like~ hehe


n guess wat? i m gonna bling it up!!!!!!! wakaka~ n its actually done! will blog more about it on next post! :p


    創作者 Sherlyn 的頭像


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