This is da Hello Kitty birthday last episod..
hmmm...i felt a bit touch after all...
especially this post birthday celebration...
we actually should celebrate it before my 22th birthday...i mean a day before 092109
but due to several had been postponed to 2 days after my birthdaY...which is 092309...
Its a different one...
mom said tat she wants me to have an unforgettable 21....touchtouch
although i m appreciate enough wat they have done to me last year..
still remember there was a heavy rain tat night...but mummy still insisted to organize a birthday celebraiton for me...
she bought the fried mihun while raining....touchtouch..i know...she loves me...she loves both of us..hmm 4 of us...
me, bro, babe, n Bear!~
she said...this cake not only for me...but Bear too!!! cz Bear didnt cut the *key* while he was 21 too~ ekeke
da little family party~ can u imagine da cake's size?
tadah!!!!! yeah!!! I'm still 21~ kekek *it should included Bear's name there...but the sifu's son rub off both of our name...n they only remember one here's the result =.=""*
i like the cake's design...n it taste so nice!!!!
ligthened up the cake~
see my little babe beside me~ haha she curicuri stand behind me..lolz
my family~ n everyone..tats my stupidest face without make up! lolzzz
ppl use to said tat i have the same eyes with my dad n have the same nose n face shape with my mom~ keke is tat true? i guess yes~ ha
da 21ss~
uik~ tats my pretty kakak~ nice right? keke
the white colour thing at the bottom right is one of the famouses here~ MAYONG~ keke
i love Mayong since i was small!~ its an indian islamic food i guess~ keke
Here ends my birthday episods~
another unforgettable memories~
Related posts :
1. Surprise!!~ *da Hello Kitty Birthday episod 1*
2. I'm officially 22!!!!da Hello Kitty birthday *episod 2*
3. Back to childhood!!!da Hello Kitty birthday*episod 3*100 pictures post
4.da birthday dress ~ *da Hello Kitty birthday*episod 4*
7. DA PRINCESS is growing up..*birthday episod*updating
8. My most memorable 21st pre-birthday@birthday@post-birthday