The blog owner who is me currently sibeh busy for her assignments n exam! so, the blogging job shall be done by the part time assistant very-insist-to-post-no-edited-pictures-Mr.Bear~ hope u guys enjoy!~:p
Picture is worth a thousand words....
Venue: Garden, One Utama
Date: 16-04-2010
P/S: Pictures 100% not edited, except the rounding borders only.
Garden: Lifestyle Store and Cafe
very rare photo~
love tis photo~ slurrp slurppp
Price range : >RM15 i guess~
Carrot Juice...
all da ladies!~
Just white...
The angle....
Beloved new pair of shoes...
Curicuri edited n addedby me :p
Last but not least, Smile!:)
Posted by Bear, 19/4/2010
-Bear's Photography-2010-