I used to spell Tongue wrongly...
I would spell Tounge instead of Tongue =.="
I'm actually a bit surprise wen i found my photo at Tongue in Chic Top 20 Wearnesday April'10*clickclick*
This is bcz i dont think i deserve this...
Tat's y it took me few days to consider to blog about it...
13. Sherlyn: Da Lil' Troubled Girl
I love this dress much n it's from Cat in Bowl~
ok back to the topic..
Usually, i dont have any luck in competition..
i used to lose all the competition tat i ever joined...
i'm a bit low self-esteem cz i'm not really good in everything..
i mean like i love singing..but i can never make it to the champion...
i study really hard..but i can never get superbly great result..
i love fashion...but i can never make it to the level of those fashionista out there..
i love make up..i love dancing...i love blogging..but i can never make it to very very far..
i dont know y..
sometimes i really think tat i'm so weak tat i can never done anything with perfect results..
maybe it's bcz i'm a perfectionist n tat's y i have such a thought..
but i dont know...
i was really hope tat i can be featured in tongue in chic one day although i know it wont happen...
but everyone has a dream right?
n i'm totally confusing cz i did not feel excited wen i saw this contest....
cz i know m gonna lose...not even a possibilty to win =.=""
i know it's just a very small contest n small matter..
but i used to have this kind of low esteem in everything tat i involve to =.="
guess tat's the thing i have to learn from now! :(
Anyway, I'm at hometown now n gonna fly to genting tmw for khalil Fong!
k....u would probably confuse right now after reading such a confusing post...
in a nut shell....yes..i am a confusing person in most of the time....
i love singing....i wanted to join singing competition....but i m afraid of being a singer...but i wanted to be a singer....