2/9/2010 US, Grand Canyon 2136 ( MAS 1248 3/9/2010)
Finally!!!!! I can online again here!!!!
Life getting better here..
We are placed at the center of a jungle =.=""
not really tat kind of jungle tat full with trees!!!! but RV instead! *those big trcuks with kicthen n bedroom insdie*
I was like woahhhh woahhh n keep on woah-ing since the first day i reach here!
Some update here from the 38 me!
#1 :
The ppl here r all so kind! At first we don't know tat we have to pay for the baggage trolly! n we kept on pulling the trolly until we saw the notice! we were about to give up...n here come this American guy offering us help! n of course...we didnt accept his offer cz it's totally not worth to get a trolly for such a short distance which priced at USD 4! =.=""
#2 :
We were just out from the airport n we were supposed to catch the local buses!
We were told tat the bus station is just 2 miles away n we thought we could really make it there without taking a cab! as u know, its not cheap to take a cap here!
We dragged our luggages n walked! however, we failed! n guess wat? we met a policeman!! =.="
n the policeman took us to the bus station!!! =.=""
Anyway...the bus station is horrible!!!!!! It's full with different types of ppl out there!
u can seee any kind of ppl there..n its a lil scary!
#3 :
There is no CLOUD HERE!!!! OMG!!!!
u can see the blue sky very clearly!!!!! There is NO CLOUD HERE!!!!
I dont understand!!!!!!
n it is so beautiful espeically at the night time!!!!
The sky is full with stars!!! A million of stars!!!!!!!
To be continue....~
*Update photos tmw if possible~*
31/8/2010 MAS 0420
Hello Everyone, I'm currently at Singapore Changi Airport!
*Departing from Penang at 9.15pm n reach Changi just one hour later from the departure*
Departing soon again later to HK at 6.40 am.
I just woke up from the 3 hours sleeping n my ass just broke!
My body is way too long for the chair!!!!
My butt hanging in the air in between of 2 chairs!Hugging my passport n everything so tiedly!
n It's so cold here!!!
Will keep on update this phase once i have the connection!!!
I'm really excited for the whole trip!!!!
I ran and exercised a lot in order to boost up the stamina, tried to fold my selimut-ssss to practice the job & rejected parent's financial help(cz they already contributed almost 50% n i dont want to get more from them anymore!)
n I even bought a black pants!!!! Long pants!!!walao eh!
To the journey of independence!!!!! wish me luck!!!
YES!!! I CAN!!!!!
I even bought lantern n candles there k? haha
which means i'm getting myself ready on the socializing part!
YES!!!! I CAN!!!!!!!!!!
*Cakap besar besar nanti kalah macam mana? haha*
Check in soon for the Hong Kong Stop! Stay tune!!!!
ps: Dont worry, since i promised tat i will finish the Taiwan post i will finish it!~ Give me just a lil more time k? cz I', seriously excited to blog about the Hello Kitty restaurant!!!!!!! OMG!!! I miss then again already!!! =.=""