If you follow my facebook, you would probably see me posting awesome deals from time to time...
The reason being is bcz....THE DEAL IS OMG SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!! n i used to like OMG I NEED THIS!!!!!!!
And after i shared it out...i would never get a chance to buy! "since i just received my FIRST cheque after stepping into the working world!!!"
n yes!!!!!!!! I'm gonna buy 2 vouchers right now cz I'm just couldn't resist the OMGSOGOODANDISRSLYNEEDTISGROUPON!!!!!!
so, if u wanna buy and u have totally no idea how it works....FOLLOW ME! *although this is my first purchase LOLOLOL*
WALAO EH!!!!!!!THIS IS SUPER AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's at puchong though...but so wat? at least now i have a reason to go for a date...=.=""" "punch!!!!"
okla...the main reason is bcz i'm a huge fan of those spaghetti n pasta!!!!!!!
Give me pasta n i'll give u 2 cents! "okla..not funny at all! continue.."
so what u do next is...click "BUY NOW" and u will be here
Login with your facebook just in case you haven't.
You will be directed to the main page and click on the deal that you want to buy again...
Click buy now again...lolllll ahhahaa
& u will be here! Click the token if you have one!
For Number 1 :
Put the no. of vouchers that you would like to purchase. You may purchase multiple for yourself (Depends on the T&C of the deal). If you are allowed to purchase multiple vouchers for yourself, *fill in the number* and that's it.
HOWEVER, if you are not allow to buy more than 1 vouchers for yourself BUT you would like to buy more vouchers for your friend, do the same thing ** AND go to Number 2.
For Number 2 :
Check "Buy these Groupons as gift for your friends"
AND key in your friends' name :)))
For Number 3 :
You will have thess cashback tokens IF
You shared this deal and ppl click on it and ppl who click on it bought it =.="" (RM5 token)
You are the first 30 buyer for each deals in Groupon! (Usually all the min purchase of each deal is 30, but sometimes it might not be 30 as well, check before you buy lo!) (RM2 token)
Invite you friends "Refer to the side bar of the main page"
When you are all set, scroll down to Number 4 :
You can pay either via credit card/Online bank transfer/E wallet/Offline Bank Transfer
And you will be directed to your bank's website!
You will come to this page right after your payment.
& hor, no worries, we are previously Groupsmore so the name of merchant is corret :)
Mine was CIMB bank and u need not to click anything cz it will pop out itself! haaha
And you're done!!!! So I've got 2 vouchers now! "you may find it at the top right corner of the website"
ohya! wait! you will receive 2 emails after that. " Check the mailbox that u used to register ur FB"
1 is from ipay88 & another 1 is from Groupsmore saying tat u already purchased 2 vouchers of watwatwat & blablabla
From ipay88
From Groupon
So, now u might wondering then wer is my Groupon???
Again, find the vouchers button at the top right of the website, click on it n u'll see!
Jengjen!!!!! Here's the vouchers! Print it out and go makan!!!!!
Btw, now only i know we can actually change the owner of the vouchers! walao y so geng one!!!! =.=""
Just in case u cannot go or something, change the name on voucher and u're all set!
Hope this help la guys! n don't worry! they are not a scam or something! cz if it is, i'm gonna eat grass d!
"since i'm working with them =.="" hahaha"
Go get your Groupon now la!
aiyo mama!!!!! I'm late for chic pop liao!!!!!!!!!!!
Email me if you have any questions la! Oh no! wait! Email the support team if you have any questions! hahahahaha
ok chao~ bye~