
Last Sunday, girl friends from Sarawak and Johor came all the way down to KL!

so we had our very first dating since we were back in Malaysia.

They were my dearest girl friends that i know from USA work & travel.

Sadly some of them not able to attend.

Owh I miss them so much!

Can we have a session like this at least once in 2 months?


ok i just can't wait! this photo should be at the end of this post but i just don't care cz i really like this photo!

with all of us inside! From Left : Bear, Piggy, Stephanie, Jess & Xiang Yun.

Dinner @ Vivo American Pizza & Panini @ Times Square, LG floor.

This was my 2nd visit to Vivo American Pizza! Their food were delicious yet affordable!

OMG!!!! sinsinsin!!!!!!! Trust me! their ice blended marshmallow chocolate is amazing!!!!!

Cheesy spaghetti bolognaise - RM12.90

Seafood Bake Pasta - RM15.90

Chicken & Mushroom Bake Pasta - RM10.90

I love Pasta!!!!!!!! It's cheesy & yummy! Fat me of course!

*but well, once in a while still can la!*

Dress : Ugly duckling closet

Belt : Me Boutique - Auto City Penang

Ribbon flats : Licci - Sunway Pyramid

Ribbon Bag : Teetoo - Sunway Pyramid

Swallow necklace : Forever 21 US

n...guess we met who this time?

yeay!Kate Tsu (HK star)!!!!!!!!!!

ya! that;s her!!!! well, i thought she looks much prettier than thic picture?

    創作者 Sherlyn 的頭像


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