Honestly, i never heard about this restaurant before until that day! lolll
This restaurant is really awesome! Especially their services! I nearly hired the waiter who served us that day! lol
Nothing can beat good quality of food & services! Their food portion are small though.
I ate 2 plate of rice! Orzzzzz
Btw, all these photos were taken by CCH Ipad Bro! Arigato Gozaimasuuuu
Just did some research about them and realized that they actually have 3 branches in total in Malaysia.
The first smokehouse was born in Cameron Highland, Fraser's Hill the later on & lastly, the loveliest Smokehouse in Bangsar.
My heart melted when i first step in to this place.
Fully in love with all their vintage decorations.
Here's our table! Say Hi!
Yummy food lining up excitedly!
Grilled Mushroom - RM15
Thai Hors D'oeuvres - RM15
My boy!
Green Curry Chic - RM18
MY favourite dish ever!
Sauteed Minced Chic - RM18
Stir 4 Angel Bean - RM12
Sunshine of the night!
Steamed Fish in Lime Juice - RM30
Yo Yo!
Lastly, Smokehouse signature Bombe Alaska - RM28 & Daron the birthday boy!
I was like : Huh! Why got dessert on fire one??!!!!!!
This dessert is really funny! i don't know how to explain!
It's actually a huge egg white, i mean, of course, made from thousands of egg white, filled with alcoholic ice cream & sponge cake.
LoL I don't know how to word it in a good way!
But it's really worth trying la :)