
朋友们好就不见了! 哇,过年真的好忙,刚刚又从熊那边听到坏消息~唉,不过没关系了!为了让自己开心一点,打算把这篇收藏已久的文章po出来!阿! 

*其实我忘了,是看到shelly po了,才突然想起,全来我还有那么多东西没po!哈哈

yo friends! long time no see le!!! haizzz~really busy tis few days....n sad cz jz heard a bad news from dear....anyway! let's cheer up wit me through my babe shoes post! haha

#1红色复古圆头鞋 Red polka dots shoe


这双买的超值得的!外形又好看,质感也很好,穿起来很舒服!什么东西都能配! 而且它的头部很短,所以穿起来不会怪怪的!是买过最得意的一双! 

tis shoe really worth it as it is cheap, the quality is quite good, comfortable n easy to pair up!

VINCCI RM18.95 *打了三折*

VINCCI RM18.95 *after 70% discount*

是不是很便宜呢? 超值得的拉! 

cheap rite?? weeeeeweee


#2 粉红巴比娃娃鞋 pink/gold barbie ballet falt pumps



再来说说这双鞋~这双质感也很好噢!一点都不痛!是他们最新的summer collection 2008 的鞋 (在那我买的那时候)哈 而且,头部那边也是短的哦!哈

这双的颜色有点难配,多数配于牛仔裤/裙, 粉红/白/黑的上衣, 但如果上衣有太多图案及颜色就很难配了! 不过还好我的衣都是粉红,白根黑~ :p

sorry for the blur pic~ ha  i took really long time to get tis shoe as all the size were sold out @ other vincci outlet! however, i finally found it @ vincci alamanda! tis shoe is their summer collection 2008. The quality of tis shoe is quite good, quite comfortable, n the top part is quite short oso! it will be nice if the top part is shorter! however, tis shoe a bit difficult to pair up! it is more suitable wen u wear pk/whit/blk plain top/dress. If the top is too flowerish/too colourful, it might not be suitable to pair up wit tis shoe :p but fortunately all my clothes are in pk/wht/blk colour,so no worries :p

VINCCI RM48.00 *打了八折*

VINCCI RM48.00 *after 20% discount*


#3 亮晶晶蝴蝶鱼头鞋 bling bling bow peep toe heels





nice??tis is my babe! act i saw sombody wair it before i is really nice n attracting! i ps to myself tat i would definately buy it if i saw it! wow!!!! i really saw it after few days =.= hahah so,i bought it! added value wit discount :p tis is not a high *heel* shoe, it is a high but thick shoe! *sorry i dunno how to describe it ahaha* it is really comfortabel in 2 hours, however. it begin pain n bloody after the 2 hours! but i still love it! i only weat it once as a testing!haha will keep it until cny!

BALALACACA RM48.00 *打了八折*

BALALACACA RM48.00 *after 20% discount*

i really love it so so much!!!!


#4 黑色高贵亮皮鞋 blk peep toes heels


其实我看到这双很久了!但都没买因为觉得有点贵!但是我实在忍不住了! 因为它拥有所有我喜欢的元素。

第1是因为它是漆皮的! 是不会过时的!

第2是因为前面只露2指!*这是wei shan教我的!哈)





i saw tis for quite a long time edi but i didnt buy it as it is quite expensive to me!however, i bought it finally as i really heart it! muacksss haha

the reason i bought tis shoe is b cz

no. 1 it made by shining leather

no. 2 only 2 toes will be seen *teach by wei shan* ha

no.3 the bow at the bac!!wowooo love it!

no.4 not too high!

no.5 got discount! hahah

seems like ter is no reason for me to buy it! ha

鼻子 RM61.90 *打了九折*

NOSE RM61.90 *after 10% discount*

哈 鼻子是雄每次说的!每次只要我一踏进这件鞋店,他总爱问*你为什么那么爱去鼻子阿* 初时就听得怪怪的!后来才发现被耍了=.=""


#5 converse限量版情侣鞋 converse limited edition couple shoe


这是我的第1双converse帆布鞋!好兴奋哦!很便宜,而且是限量的哦!重点是!被我们拿来当情侣鞋! 是我们的第1双情侣鞋哦!开心! 而且真的很好穿!我买过普通牌子的!好难穿!下次真的宁愿花多点钱来买也没关系! 

tis is my first converse shoe!excited!!! i wan it so long edi! i bought tis b cz it is quite cheap n its limited edition! n we decided to use it as our couple shoe!!!weeeweee happyyy as tis is our first couple shoe!!!! the quality is really good n comfortable! i bought other brand last time but the quality *yeaksss* my leg will be pain after wairing tat poor shoe! n terfore i took a lesson n i would spend more money to buy a better shoe next time! =.=

而且买它的其他原因是因为。。。the other reason i bought it is b cz....



dengdeng! its bcz of the gold lining of the shoe!











哇!突然发现有好多些哦!不过其实我想要的鞋还有2双,不过应该会等下次了!因为钱花完了! 哈阿

wah! jz realize tat i really bought a lot of new shoes! however, ter are still 2 types of shoe tat i dream of! oopsss....dream is ter but money is not ter d!!!! must control!!!weeeweee




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