忙里偷闲。。哈。。。其实,很多朋友都问我,一天到底我花多少时间在部落格上。。。为何每次看到我好像很忙那样。。。但却可以更新部落格~ 哈
其实我也很想告诉大家。。。我也不知道~ 哈
每天一大早起床,我就会把该做的尽快作完。。。东西赶完了。。剩余的一些时间我都会投身于部落格及观看时尚的点点滴滴~ 哈
好啦~ 今天要介绍的呢!是我本人震得真的真的超级超级超级喜欢的复古花裙!!!!
yeaH~ its time for english~ haha n yes~~~~ english rose??? floral??? vintage!!! OMG!!! i love tis dress!!!! special thx to Miss ugly duckling by helping me to pair it up wit tis lovely belt!! isnt it looks sweet? love it so much!!!!!
Dress : ugly duckling RM49
Belt : ugly duckling RM15
bow hairband : old blossom RM12
i like ugly duckling for quite a long time d~ still remeber last time they use to come up wit katy perry style inspired clothes~ n i bought tis skirt~ n their service is really good~ i m act banked the correct money but into an incorrect account!!! OMG!!!! i m sorry to miss ugly duckling! n i feel sorry to velvet ribbon too! haha one is wrong account~ one is wrong amount!!! lolz i m so stupid!!! haha but then Miss ugly duckling, the nice gal, didnt get mad wit me...but trusted on me....and sending the parcel to me on time!!!! wow!!!!!
a bravo for all the nice e shop!!! i love ya all!!
trend reports! velvet ribbon! old blossom! ugly duckling!!!
u guys r fanstastic!! n i love ur clothes!!!!
sounds like a small fan to tis 4 e shop d!
ohya! we have BIG 4 rite? *the big 4 accounting firm* ha
In the online fashion world, we have BIG 4 too!!!! hehe
ttrend reports! velvet ribbon! old blossom! ugly duckling!!!
BRAVO!!!!!!!! ha