Time past so FAST. 2nd week coming soon...midterms coming in 3 weeks time....due dates coming in 5 weeks time...finals coming in 7 weeks time...
Hopefully i can cope well in this semester! 4 subjects is not a Joke =.=
Anyway..jz wanna share with u guys tat.... YES!!!!! finally i DO NOT NEED TO WEAR MY LONG JEANS ANYMORE!!!~ yuhoooo
Therefore, i tried my best to find few pairs of comfy leggings so tat i can wear them for the rest of my uni life!~
Da sparkles of the night dresss top~
I love this quarter legging a lot! super comfy n i feel so good under the sun! however..it doesnt help in air conditioning room!especially our lecture class! super colddd!!!
Ruffle lines dress top!~
love the princess sleeves effect n da ruffle details~ at least it successfully helped me to cover up all my weaknesses! wakaka~
OOppsssss..........It's RAINING AGAIN!!!!!
chaooooooooooo first.......................come back later...............more to blog ~ yeeepie~