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I know! I'm way to late to do my 2010 year resolution!

I just can;t figure out what i want to do in this year! =.="

However, I've come out with this list after forcing myself to think deeply for the past few hours!

so, my resolution would be...*from most to least*


#2 Get Dad n Mom a present that they really need!

#3 Cook Bf's favourite soup!

#4 PLAY GAO GAO during my last semester!

#5 Find a great job

#6 Plan for year end trip

#7 Change my blog skin! *RM500* =.="""

#8 I'm stuck....stuck...stuck....stuck here! =.=""" OHYA!

#9 Get a Hello Kitty bouquet from bf wen i graduate =.=" OMG! I DONT CARE! I WAN TIS TO BE A RESOLUTION!

#10 Bring Dad n Mom To TENJI!!!!! USING MY FIRST EARNED MONEY!!!! yahooooo


k la! I'm lame!! Nope! I'm not lame! This is what i really wanna do in this 2010 year!!!!!!!

n n n

I wish i could blog more about fashion n make up!!!

This is wat i really weak n wat i should do more in order to get improvement!

How about u guys? wat's ur 2010 resolutions? I dont think it need to be 10~ but share with me bit k? keke

back to edit post again! have been writing Singapore trip day 3 for 2 days! but keep on interrupted!

nnn i have some posts which might have to slip within the trip!

If i found my hp cable! I'll slip it!!! yuhoo!

    創作者 Sherlyn 的頭像


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