Deng Deng!!!!
Finally...I take my heart all out to write this post!
ok~ so....some of u might already know tat i gained like 12345678 kg / pounds ever since my USA work n travel trip started!
I never feel regret / sad on every pounds tat i gained~ Felt greatful n proud instead =.="""
However...since the journey had comes to the end....
guess i should change my focus to wat i wanna become in the future?or now maybe?
So, this is wat i wanna be for now!~
#1 Change my hair color!
#2 More n more vintage n vintage n vintages!
#3 Shred off atleast 5kg in 2 months time!
In order to make sure all these missions accomplished....I'm gonna update this phase as much as i can to keep myself on track on everything!
ya know...ppl always get lazy after all~
So, wat i have done this 2 days for my super enjoy diet plan?
see, a lot of gals feel sad/stress/depress throughout their diet plan!
cz they r not HAPPY at all!
all they can do is smell, see but not touch or eat!
There's once i had been in this stage too!
but i told myself, i'm gonna start a different one!
a happy diet plan! how does it sound?
so, Let's get started!!!!!
Breakfast! A super important meal of the day!
Eat everything i love n as much as i can!~
Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Mee Goreng, KFC...anything! anything tat i love! cz it's been 4 months i didnt touch Malaysian food!
Lunch! Kinda important meal of the day!
Eat moderately~!
Porridge with steam vege + Eggs ?
Dinner! A very not important meal of the day!
Half size porridge or oat maybe?
Yoga n dance time!
Sweat as much as u can!~ Not encourage to be more than 30 minutes since u gonna do this everyday!~
2 litres for everyday!!!!
Imagine urself as a singer / dancer / model / artist or watever u like!~
since it's in urself! nobody's gonna laugh at u rite?
muahaha! so dont laugh at me wei!
My target would be 5kg in 2 months!
Let's see how it works k?
tat's all for now..
will update again wat i do n eat if i discover any new menu n the most importantly, wen i get bored with all the food! =.="""
ps: This is a diet plan tat i used n which might only be suitable for myself!I did not include fruits in my plan for this phase cz fruits always makes me feel hungry n it is not good to be too hungry or get hungrily easily!~
ps 2: Pray...pray much much tat this plan will continue n continue n continue!!!!!!
ps 3: Dont be sad even if the plan failed! cz we r human!!!! we must live happily~ :p
Gampateh everyone!!!!!!
Gampateh very much to me myself too!~