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我没说:!*—·*(—·)(*—……%¥##¥—*—#·酱他也知道 =.=""


i cried each time i watch it....




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I've got a return from the risk...

jz bac from exam,finally one paper down...

not to cheer yet..cz 2 more coming in next week n its in a continous based...

n aslo, the queen kong no long queen kong...

she is SICK!

i'm not feeling well for few days d...especially in the night...da CH is torturing me..*ColdnHeat*.


one thing to share here is...finally i ve got my lacey DRESS!!!!

n to my surprise....it fits me well, neither too short or too small!

ngam ngam~ excited!!!!

now waiting for lovely clincher...

n ohya..i will not be dressing up nicely duting this period..

therefore, i oso dont know wats the purpose i bought this dress =.=""

maybe it can help me to release stress?

yes! it does!!!

n tonight will another night at Studio x!

its a small bar wit ppl full in passion!

love their hands but afraid of the night...czi  have to travel there at 10pm n bac at 1am =.=""

oopsss...i m very hungary leh!! anyone can tell me where can i get pure white porridge in cyber n sk area?

i cant cook cz no stove :(


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I'm taking risk!~


pic credited to girl about town

i love this cutie lacey dress....from the bottom of my heart...*ngekngek*

but it's 76cm length....a LITTLE bit TOO short for me..

but i still buy it =.="""

Sherlyn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(7) 人氣()

hihi *wave*


weee~ found another new hairstyle!! hmmm its not much different though =.="""

my skin is terribly emo today! the noon class was too cold while the weather was too hot out there! *out of the freezer class!*

*yeimei named it as Freezer class as u will totally *FREEZE* OUT!!!!=.="


my little baby pink bow shoes that i wear to class today! tats my best one i guess!

*anyway, i love all my ballet flats la! saw cotton on;s one n i m not really into it due to the cutting~i prefer full one rather than those a lil bit steeper at the sides, do u get wat i mean? aaha*

n n n n n n nn ....my first singing video is finally done!!!! * sendiri guna webcam record punya, bukan those very geng chao one =.="" *


i m really really shy in front of the camera! i recorded it for around 15 times? i guess... :(

n i found tat my voice becomes really childish especially when i speak in front of video!

i have wasted quite a lot of time to correct it so tat it will be more matured =.="""

its a very simple yet lovely song...recorded it at 1.30am =.=""

*cannot sing too loud if not later police come diedie lo!*


Today's outing - Mulan@IOI mall *5 star rated movie!*Don't trust me!*



*sun bian* promote my phone a while! muahaahah

finally i've got the chance to wear my little prom skirt!!! *tank top from cotton on!!!!! oh-so-comfy*

my love this colour cz it makes me look really really fair which i m not in reality :(

n oso, seriously, i need a vintage heart-shaped long necklace!!! i feel so empty without necklace!

black + black is still BLACK =.="""


see the poster? shu da lv is coming on this Saturday@sense cafe@8pm!

ohya! the singers are unexpectedly superbly good!!!! they sing so well!

the only problem is, ive totally no idea with all the songs that they sang jz now...*e stood there for about 15 minutes jz to stalk the singers! muahaha*

but they r really really good! n i love the piano n their decoration!

will do a review on it if i have a chance to go there~

*will try to bring the whole menu back again if possible! hahaha*


redbox is recruiting ppl! jz incase u r interested? 1700 receptionist wor! walao eh! quite good nehx!


k la! i know! but i got nothing to do other than ss =.="""


the charges for these few days! really hate public holidays! everything seems so expensive!

but the noon one is quite reasonable..really wish that i can go tmw leh!

its really really really really really long time since i stepped into redbox!!!!!!


ps: my studded bow clincher is finally reached! its a little bit big actually....but i guess i can master it well! will try tmw~ weeee nite:p

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ALOHA!!!! i;m back!!!!!


finally finished all the midterms! but so sad! i dont think i done well in all the midterms!

I have really done my best!!!!! :(

n n n n n n

finally i have the chance to go sunway pyrimad.....to go with precious gals...to go COTTON ON!!!! SCREAMMM!


my eyes........


i was trying hard to make it look smokey....

the result not as good as i wish...cz i think i need somemore courages on make up!

not always the coward turtle!

n n n ...i dont know y....i think i dont like purple lense anymore :*( maybe i should give brown a try?



it's my 2nd time wearing tis dress!!!

i know i know! its damn boring wen u see me keep on wearing the same thing tat u guys have seen before!

but wat to do!

im under budget now =.="""

27 is comingggggggggggggggggg!!!!! * my income date!!!!* :p

a good news to share : I SUCCESSFULLY SAVED RM200 THIS MONTH!!!!! yuhoooo


n tat;s my gals!!!!!! facebook me for more photos~ :p


i saw this lacey top at forever 21! its nice! but too sexy n too edgy! i dont think i can cope with it =.=""

ok now~ wat gals use to do during gals outing?

nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! we r not extraordinary!





really have fun u galsss!!!!! lovielovie uuuuuuuuu!

k la! again! i'm not lesssss!

chao~ nite :p



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da yesterdays....*s* indicates many yesterday ago =.=""


went for 2012 wit da piggymates..owh i love 2012! awesome actor + perfect animation n story line! great!




when hime meets vintage = ???

the answer is .. Sherlyn's bow!

isnt tat cool?


i have not much time to update this few days! will be bac on wednesday...i hope so...:p



da basic one!

Sherlyn's hime bow 4a3669bee6819.gif


i made this for precious for her birthday...

quite satisy but still have to improve my sewing skills! hope that she wil like it la~

Sherlyn's hime-vintage bow 4a3669bee6819.gif


Sherlyn's vintage bow 4a3669bee6819.gif




i'm so in love with the nude pink ribbons n the love n rose shape buttons...

but i can;t find anymore...

only left 2 love shape one~

will try to find more in the future!

n tat;s my little handmade sharing..hope u girls like it la..



ps: U know one of my dreams is to sell my handmade ribbons? i hope it will success soon...:p

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love this picture~ i changed my earing after that cz i thought i WILL be cutting my hair that day! but NOPE!

i FAILED jor! running away from saloon is my pro job recently =.="

i'm very worry la!!!!!!!




MY new phone!!!! lovelovelove1680276941uz9bw8.gif



I've no idea y i name this topic as sunflower4a2d4120c8da7.gif
maybe that's the thing that i first thought when i saw this dress~ keke1216031513.png

It's a vry simple line dress..1680276941uz9bw8.gif

I haven't try this kind of dress before...hmmm maybe yes...the cutting somehow like my floral toga dress~

However, this one is more body hugging YET not very body hugging!    mi004.gif

*I used to be very confusing one! so cincai la! u will see~ wakaak*

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This dress can be worn in 2 sides. The back part of the dress is one with zipper...

*I though it should be the front side =.=""*

However, it looks damn ugly when i wear the one with zipper in front! cz the cutting bac there is a bit weird if its front~


Image187 ps.jpg

tadah~ 4a3669bee6819.gif FRONT 4a3669bee6819.gif


4a3669bee6819.gif BACK4a3669bee6819.gif

Dress : Sg.Wang RM55.90 *EXPENSIVE LA WEI!!!!!!!*But i love it so much! wat to do wtf

Golden coin chain vintage bracelet : online preorder

Chain bag : Miss Selfridge

Pumps : Vincci

Bow clincher : online

Polka dot earings : Miss OCD


I think i look quite mature in this dress~ don't u think so? :p


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longlong hair!~

After~ phewwwww! SO RINGAN! VERY Syiok!!!! hahaha

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i think i look like precious ckl in this picture!~


i should curl it before i put on my hairband! but anyway..i jz lazy to do it now~




the only picture after so many months n tats the only picture tat i show a very super tak syiok face to him cz he was being seduced by others! pek chek la! i tell u wat! lao niang gen ni ping le! HE IS MINE!!!!!!!blekkkkkkkk





ps: i didnt cut la!cheat one!learned from Cheeserland! muahaahha!!!!!!cheat one la!

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I was blog hopping yesterday night as usual and i found SweatLee, Cheeserland and even Tziaa were writing this post. It's been quite sometime i joined nuffnang and i haven't have a chance or courages to write advetorial post or even join any nuffnang competition. Therefore, i think i should give it a try this time. The only reason i wanted to join this contest is...because of my dad.


Sincerely, I'm not from a rich family or have a very great background. My father works really really hard in order to give me a bright future. I use to be guilty each time i think of him. He sacrificed all the things that he wants or needs to fulfill my little dream. He wants a running machine for quite sometime as he have heart problem. However, he gave up cause he wants to buy me a car, a better car so that i can drive during my internship. Luckily, he finally bought it last month. Still guilty about it. There is another thing that he wishes to have for quite sometime. I was planning to buy one for him together with my brother. However, i can't make it in this period as i have no job for this month. :( Therefore, i wants to give it a try. Although i know the possibility of winning is superly Low. But nevermind! Just TRY! wakakak

So here's my Top 5 Treat List.*From the most to the least*

#1 Dell inspiron 13 hellokittyicon.gif

Dell inspiron 13.JPG

*Dell Inspiron 13_clickclick*

That's part of his wishlist. He wishes to have a small laptop for quite sometime. This laptop is only 13.3 inches and i think it's quite suitable for parents. So that they no need to carry a big and heavy laptop around. There is only a very very OLD pc which have superly slow and poor functions. That pc was like 5 or 6 years ago. Can you imagine how old it is. and i'm sitting down here blogging with the most recently LAPTOP!! Although it's not expensive as Apple or Fujitsu, it's HP, but still way better than pc right? Therefore, if i really have a chance to Win, or if i really win, i will give it to him!and i'm gonna teach him SKYPE! so that we can see each other more often! *as i will be stay at KL after all i guess, but i will surely go back more often*and also, it will be more convenience if there is any problem, cz Dell offers GO_TO_HOME_SERVICE.Greatgreat~


#2 Hello Kitty Resort @ Taiwan hellokittyicon.gif

Hello kitty anigif.gif

I've blogged about this before i guess. However, i can't find that post =.="" ahaha

Anyway, i really wants to go there!!!!! I WILL GO one day! After i gradute! When u have dream, be brave to dream it, chase it, and fulfill it! :p This is the principle that i'm holding with!


#3 A pink Optical Mouse hellokittyicon.gif

I'm using this hello kitty mouse now~ hmm nope, it's 1 week before.


It's broken already :( sobsob! It was a gift from my lovely friend - Ying Tian during my 21 years old birthday.

I need a new one. Like this.


Logitech mini optical mouse! I used this mouse before and it's really good and handy. I still love the Hello Kitty one. Plus it's cheaper than this. RM30+ for the Hello Kitty one and RM45+ for this one =.=""" Moneymoneymoney!!!!!!


#4 Hello Kitty Manicure hellokittyicon.gif


I found this while i google the title and OMG!!!!! How she did that!!!!! The Best Hello Kitty Manicure that i ever saw!!!Love till FAINT!!!!!! I have no idea where can i get those Hello Kitty for nails! Anyone can help?


#5 Hime Gyaru Fashion hellokittyicon.gif


OMG! I love Hime Gyaru Fashion! It's all about ribbons, bows and princess! Really wish to have a chance to doll up like them for my fashion diary. It might be just a little dream and i might don't have the courage to go out with these style =.=" But i lovelovelove.


That's my Top 5 Treat List!Mind to share what's yours too? keke

Oh ya, you can get a RM100 Instant Cash Redemption by using a special coupon by Dell for a purchase of Dell Inspiron 13. The coupon code is 7ZQVQF2RLZRKW3  and only available online or by calling them at 1800-88-0301. This coupon code expires on 10th Nov 2009.

Click here if you are interested to join this contest too:p


All pictures credited to Dell Inspiron 13 and google.


PS: That's my first try joining a competition held by nuffnang's advertising company!~ Exciteddd~

Sherlyn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

heeeeeeeeehaaaaaa~ It;s my first time writing about nailssssss!!! EXCITEDD! mi013.gif 

I'm not really good on it! But i have the HEART! the BIG BIG HEART!!!! with small small money n small small time mi017.gif


Tadah!!!!!! i know! it might looks a bit disaster...but i love it!~n i would rate it 8/10 seriously! wakka 

cincai la! Give me some motivation k?~ haha

I'm still learningggg~


Here's my recent buy!!! Pink exposed zipper dotties handset cover, Rimmel #21 glitter pink nail polish and Majorlica Majorca's liquid eyeliner~1216031513.png


I love this colour much! i mean, before i use =.="" da colour on the samples are so nice!


n..it turned out like tat! :( i'm not really like it cz it makes my finger look so DARK! although it's dark in fact!~

but us gals always love to look fair right?

n therefore, i was thinking, shall i jz top it with another colour?



n i found this...the face shop's OR204 glitter little red nail polish!

i only have 4 bottle of nail polish..n 2 sets of them r in the same colour =.=""

which is pink n glittery red..

i love my previous one from skin food! the pink is smooth n nice!!! 

n this is my second love...from the face shop..

what can i say is..the face shop's nail polish really cheap n nice! especially for poor student like me 4a3669bee6819.gif


Tat's the result!!!~

First, put on basic pink, then polish 1 layer of glitter little red start 2/3 of ur nail, continue this action further n further n then emphasize more glitter little red at the top of the nail...do it layer by layer~ then it will be DONE!~




n n n ...Tat's MY new hp POUCH! owh LOVING IT!~

However, it's really expensive la wei!

i was considering to choose one from 2 choices n i saw the price tag of the other one is RM9.90..

n very stupidly, i tot this would have the same price too...manatau...when she packed n pass to me, i found tat it's RM17.90!

WALAO eh!!!!!! Very expensive le!!!!!i'm saving money de!!!! never tought of buying one pouch which will be more than RM10!

sorry la, i'm a bit stingy recently! not a bit lo! IS VERY! wakakak cz i'm saving for year end trip! sobbb

nvm la~ jz wanna share wit u guys da very-lovely-but-expensive-pouch!1216031513.png




i put a small cloth there so tat i can

Hope tat u gals will like it nehx!


ps: I've the same tought with precious...it;s been quite sometime...not just today...maybe i will do tat also...hmm...don't know~

Sherlyn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

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I love this top!!!!!!1680276941uz9bw8.gif *

Looking for this kind of bows for quite sometime but there isn't any blogshop selling it anymore!

Therefore, i decided to do it myself using those extra ribbons~

n here comes my ribbon long top~


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I clipped those bows before i sew it so that the bows were aligned properly.

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weeeee~ It's DONE!~ 4a3669bee6819.gif 4a2d4120c8da7.gif

really simple n easy DIY!

M gonna play around with this long top!

especially with tutu skirt tat i jz bought!!!!!

ohya, did i jz say tat?

I've finally bought the tutu skirt tat i wan in really really really really really long time!

It was god damn hard to find!!!!!!


I'm happy!!!!!!4a2d4120c8da7.gif

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I have running out of ideas on the titles~

Since this post consist of a lot of story behind..i shall jz named it as DraMassss~ keke

Oh, ya~ i've found clearer pictures of my eyes....still not really clear..but at least u can see it~

This is before i da mid valley outing~

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ok la! i know...still look black =.=" wakaka Nvm! I will try more next time!

n ohya~ wanna share wit u gals my very-super-lovely-n-hard-to-grab-florentine-corset-dress!!!!

oh wait@! i wanna tell u guys a story behind tis dress!

i saw this dress n ORDERED it once tat blogshop update!

i waited a night n ter isnt any response from the seller...

so the next day...i was out to do something..

n the seller send an email to me saying tat it's available..... n yes...she didnt get my response back cz i was out there..

but the thing is..ive sent the ORDER FORM including all my VERY DETAILS to her a tat night before she response me...

n around 5pm, i saw her mail she sent *@around 2+pm*...

so i reply her n ask her again for the bank details..however...she said it was sold out cz she tot i was meant to back out!

oh gosh!!!


i wanted this dress so BADLY n i even send everything tat night immediately after their update :(

manatau, it's jz the bloody 3 hours n she turn it to another customer!

NOT PRO RIGHT! so bad!

I was really upset cz i love the corset details so much!

so i jz give up liao le! n never complain or argue wit her oso!

n after 1 month like tat...dont know a month or how long exactly it was...

they able to restock it!!!

n tis time, i was like !(@(*&%#@*

very kan jiong n make my order n payment immediately!


n here she is..my lovely super drama floral corset dress!!!!

n they r ok after all! so...jz forget about the dramas la!~

it's no longer important since i finally got tis dresssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Tat's de dressss!!!!!!4a3669bee6819.gif 4a3669bee6819.gif 4a3669bee6819.gif 4a3669bee6819.gif 4a3669bee6819.gif


Bustier corset top + my little bow clincher

I love this clincher so much!~ around 20 +, not so expensive compare to Bonita's one~

i saw another similar one at Bonita's, more expensive than mine! so ok lo~ worth it! as well as i use it oftenly! wakak


love the plaids!~mi001.gif mi006.gif

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- the end -



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tis is how i tie my hair everyday once i get back home!

The weather is too HOTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

n ohya! wanan talk about MJ's liquid eyeliner! SUPER WATERPROOF!

my eyes become so teary after watching MJ's movie cz tat's my first time wearing tis colour lense!

n i tought i would look like a seriously very not kelian panda! but i was surprise by the result!!!


however...i'm still learning how to use liquid eyeline..cz i used to use Gel eyeliner~

will share wen i can master it! kekeek

k la....have to for a rest le! my body pain like hell after the bloody yoga class!

oh my!!!! it's been a REALLY long time i didnt touch yoga!mi004.gif


ps : tonight still got one extra yoga class!!! HELPPPPPPPPP

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Colour lense is part of my wish list tat i never got the courages to buy a pair for myself plus my financial problem really dont allow me to do so!

Therefore, this month, i'm gonna control my finance well so  tat ter WILL BE a lot of strikes in my wish list!mi017.gif

Here i go!~1216031513.png



I choose FreshLook as i heard a lot of good comments about this brand~

Amethyst AKA violet is the colour tat i wish most~

Besides, another reason that i choose this colour is bcz the seller said it's more natural compare to others.

I have yet to have the courage to try out others more obvious colours, therefore, i pick it as my final decision~

ohya, before u choose a colour lense, u can try to ask around ur friends who have similar skin tone with u n who has lotsa experience on colour lense. There are a lot of colour lenses outside ter such as GEO, SUPER NUDY n etc.

However, i dont think all of them r being approved by Jabatan Kesihatan M'sia or whoever in charge of this.

FreshLook will be a safer way for beginners n oso expert, i GUESS!~ wakaka



The outer layer is a bit black so tat it can bring up the bigger eyes effect~


Ive NO COURAGES to show u guys my stupid face with spec! cz i look ugly till ~!@&*&@!@&*&^$# =.=""


So, this is the result....i know...it doesnt appeal much in this picture...but anyway...i look quite obvious when i remove all my make up! n i was once wanted to blog it out....but Bear said tat it was a disaster!!! wakaaka  


ps : i've finally get rid of my BB cream due a lot of bad comments n experiences! but anyway, i still havent found another replacement for it! had been tried out Benefit's you rebel lite~ see the picture below.

It's really good on our skin, very smooth n it smells well!~

Not so thick n therefore the effect not as good as my Skin Food BB cream.

Will write another post to differentiate them *if i have time la* haha~

k, chaossss~ nitenite~


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Not-so-pinkish BUT quite-tidy room~


Tadah~ space behind blue curtain is my dressing room!!!~ WOW! ive got my OWN dressing room!!~

although it's small n fake la~ wtfish


n....wen u open up the curtain, u will see a clothing rack, 5 doors wardrobe and a small make up heaven~


This little dottie sea blue curtain is from 100 yen, which means, only RM4.90 each!! CHEAP RIGHT?

however, it is too light n it doesnt really work as a curtain...*its not it's job though~ keke as it's a shower curtain*

but anyway, Bear thought one idea to transform it into a PRO curtain~


just clip it n tat's all~


clothing rack~i never seen this kind of rack before. It's portable n easy to set up. No nails or hammer or screw driver needed. The only thing tat u have to do is just extend it until it touches the wall n floor.   DSC06267.JPG

tat's my little make up heaven~ really enjoy sitting ter n dolling up myself~ 

although its been a long time  i didnty get to doll up myself due to lack of time :(


Here are all those that i love most!~really love this cosmetic box!~

the first time i found tat i'm a tidy person!~ wakakak


My lovely hairbandssss!!~ i'm crazy with any kinds of hairbands, although i didnt really got the chance to wear them always~

Clinchers, sashes and waist belts~


necklaces, headbands, bangles, brooches ++


Ribbons, ribbons, ribbons~Bows, bows, bows~


Junk food heaven~ wakaka

I love the curtain so much...It's not in pink though...but the quality is really good! n the most important is..it's not mine =.="" looks a bit messy here~ but its still acceptable cz my room is not so big tat kind~


My table~ too many things le la! i've shifted the accesories box under the clothes rack so that it wont be so occupied.


my lappieeeeeeeeeeeee~


n tat's all!~

tat's my little world ter~ hopefully all stuff remain clean n tidy until the end of the semester =.=""

n i tell u WAT!

P1 WiMax connection SUCKSSSS!!!!

It tooks me 24 hours to attach a picture through my mail! n the worst thing is, it dosn't succesfull!!!

walao.......waste my time nia!!!!!

We are finding a solution here cz there isnt port left for us in sk!!


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So, here s r my favourite buy on Oct + da Rainie style!!~

Kinda fall in love with Harem Pant recently...It helped a lot for gals who have bigger bottom like me!~


yuhhooooooo~ Ribbon T from Old Blossom Box~ n WOW!!!! I LOVE ITTTTT!!!!

was worried about the size as the store owner didnt actually model it out~

anyway, god blesssed me!!!!~ it fits me ngam ngam!~ kekek


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OMG@!!!  I LOOK SUPER FAT N STUPID HERE!~ BUT...i kinda like this picture!~ cz tat's the most natural me!!

i use to laugh like tat wenever Bear presents all his lame jokes =.=""

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my lovely one~

ribbon tee




oh so comfy





I'll change....Soon...

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Must have items!~


shoulder sparkles


Total = Fashion.Cool.Trendy.Edgy.Outstanding


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Time past so FAST. 2nd week coming soon...midterms coming in 3 weeks time....due dates coming in 5 weeks time...finals coming in 7 weeks time...


Hopefully i can cope well in this semester! 4 subjects is not a Joke =.=

Anyway..jz wanna share with u guys tat.... YES!!!!! finally i DO NOT NEED TO WEAR MY LONG JEANS ANYMORE!!!~ yuhoooo


Therefore, i tried my best to find few pairs of comfy leggings so tat i can wear them for the rest of my uni life!~

 hellokittyicon.gif  Da sparkles of the night dresss top~ hellokittyicon.gif


I love this quarter legging a lot! super comfy n i feel so good under the sun! however..it doesnt help in air conditioning room!especially our lecture class! super colddd!!!

hellokittyicon.gif Ruffle lines dress top!~hellokittyicon.gif




love the princess sleeves effect n da ruffle details~ at least it successfully helped me to cover up all my weaknesses! wakaka~

OOppsssss..........It's RAINING AGAIN!!!!!


chaooooooooooo first.......................come back later...............more to blog ~ yeeepie~

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